Are you interested in learning about your pregnancy details for the ninth week? In this article, we provide complete details about the ninth week of pregnancy, including baby development, maternal activities, and symptoms.
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Baby Development in the Ninth Week of Pregnancy
The ninth week of pregnancy is when the human embryo slowly starts to take shape, and its facial features begin to form. At this time, the embryo’s parts, like the limbs, merge gradually, marking the completion of the second month of pregnancy or technically the third month if we count from the start of conception. Our discussion today is focused on the ninth week of pregnancy. Now, the embryo, or fetus, is about the size of a small peanut, measuring approximately 2.3 centimeters from head to tail and weighing around two grams or 0.07 ounces.
During this time, the facial features of the embryo start to develop, and the tongue begins to take shape in a very small form. Taste buds or taste receptors start forming at this time. The ears of the embryo may be seen separately inside and outside, and the accumulation of a specific fluid begins internally. This fluid contributes to physical stability. The eyes become slightly larger and clearer during this period, and vital organs such as the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, and digestive system continue to develop.
The four chambers of the heart start forming during this time. Although determining the baby’s gender through ultrasound is not possible before 15 weeks, sexual characteristics begin to form from this week. The baby’s cartilage and joints are now considerably developed. The fingers and toes become more defined, although they still resemble those of a duck’s feet, with one toe connected to another.

Until now, the necessary progesterone hormone for the growth of the fetus was produced from the mother’s ovaries. However, this week, the placenta becomes fully functional and from this time onwards, it typically produces hormones and extracts nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s blood to supply the baby. At this time, the embryo can be recognized as a small human fetus, and from here on, its weight will increase rapidly.
Every mother is unique. In many cases, mothers do not show significant changes in their abdomen size during the second trimester. Conversely, in some cases, slight changes in the abdomen size may be observed during the first trimester. Additionally, some mothers may experience abdominal bloating shortly after a positive pregnancy test, but the reasons for this may vary. Although changes in abdomen size may occur long before, the reasons could include bloating, gas, constipation, and in some cases, if a woman has had previous pregnancies, the abdomen may start to expand earlier than normal.
For first-time mothers, abdominal enlargement typically begins between 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. However, if it’s not the first pregnancy, abdominal enlargement may start even earlier, as the muscles in the abdomen of mothers who have had previous pregnancies may be somewhat stretched due to the previous pregnancies.
Common symptoms of Pregnancy week 8: Physical changes
During this phase, there are some common physical changes including fatigue, mood swings, hormonal fluctuations, vaginal irritation, possible yeast infections, vaginal discharge, and breast changes. Small pimples may also appear on the breasts, which help prepare them for breastfeeding and should not be squeezed or removed unnecessarily. Similar hormonal changes may lead to increased facial pimples; caution is advised when applying products to them. It’s advisable to avoid using chemical-rich products during this time.
When we experience a stuffy nose or pregnancy rhinitis due to a cold, it’s somewhat normal. However, such conditions occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. It’s observed that around 30% of women face nasal congestion issues, which generally start from the second month of pregnancy but can intensify later. The problem tends to alleviate after childbirth, usually within a couple of weeks post-delivery.
Pregnant women may crave pickles or non-food items, leading to a desire for various kinds of food. Conversely, some women may experience intense cravings for ice, dirt, or chalk. If craving for non-food items reaches extreme levels, it’s advisable to consult a specialist. Check if there’s any deficiency of iron or other nutrients. Fulfilling these deficiencies often helps alleviate such cravings.
Feeling indifferent towards certain foods or experiencing a decreased appetite during pregnancy is quite normal. Although the exact cause is not always known, it may be a side effect of a rapid increase in estrogen hormone levels in the mother’s body. Additionally, you may notice that some specific foods you used to enjoy suddenly become intolerable.
Standing for extended periods may cause pain in the feet. Try to elevate your feet during rest times. In such cases, using a pillow or a pregnancy pillow may help.
Physical activity during a normal pregnancy does not cause any problems. Instead, it helps the mother recover quickly even after childbirth. However, be careful not to overdo it and learn the dos and don’ts of exercise. Although this time falls within the first trimester of pregnancy, it’s essential to start preparing physically and mentally for regular walking, rest, diet, and childbirth, as well as various post-delivery issues.
Read Also: Complete Guide to the Eighth Week of Pregnancy.