Do you want to know about your Pregnancy Week 14 situation? In this article, we provide complete details about what’s going to happen this week and a checklist for the week.

The 14th week of pregnancy is considered the first week of the second trimester, which is typically a more comfortable time for most mothers compared to the preceding two trimesters, as many of the uncomfortable symptoms of early pregnancy tend to diminish during this time. The risk of miscarriage decreases somewhat in the second trimester. Week 14 marks the fourth month of pregnancy.

Baby’s Development at Pregnancy Week 14

At this time, the fetus experiences rapid growth, particularly in the head region, which becomes proportionally larger. The neck elongates compared to before, which helps straighten the fetal head, reducing the risk of complications. Similarly, the structure of the fetal body gradually transitions from a curled position to a more stretched-out posture. Movement within the fetus also undergoes some changes during this period.

Previously, movements might have felt more like gentle nudges, but now they might become more pronounced, with the fetus stretching limbs or shifting its body position. By this week, the fetus can be compared in size to a kiwi fruit. Its height is approximately 3.42 inches or 8.7 centimeters, and it weighs around 1.52 ounces or 43 grams.

Fetal Development Week by Week During Pregnancy
Fetal Development Week by Week During Pregnancy

By the 14th week, significant changes occur in the fetal development of organs and extremities. The fetus at this stage may exhibit various facial expressions. Sometimes it may scrunch up its brows, other times it may furrow them deeply in frustration, or it may even pout its lips as if to pucker up. These facial expressions arise due to the continued development of the fetal brain, causing various facial movements. Alongside, muscles around the mouth also develop, allowing the fetus to suck and pucker its lips.

Occasionally, it may even bring its fingers to its mouth for sucking. Fine, downy hair, called lanugo, may start appearing on the fetus’s head. However, the color of this hair may change before birth. Eyebrows may also begin to form at this time.

Lanugo covers not only the fetus’s head but also its entire body. It primarily protects the fetal skin from the amniotic fluid and helps maintain warmth. In the subsequent weeks of gestation, as the fetus starts accumulating fat in its body, the lanugo begins to shed. This shedding begins as the fetus starts producing its own body fat, as the fat helps in keeping it warm. However, in many cases, some lanugo may still be present at the time of birth.

Within a few days after birth, these hairs typically shed. The fetal heart pumps about 23.65 liters of blood per day at this time, and its heartbeat may be close to 150 beats per minute. The external genitalia of the fetus become fully visible by this time, although their small size may make them difficult to see on ultrasound. The hands and feet of the fetus are now fully formed, and toenail formation is ongoing. The hands will continue to elongate over the coming weeks, becoming proportionate to the rest of its body.

By the 14th week, the fetus’s kidneys begin producing urine, which exits the fetal body and mixes with the amniotic fluid. Its liver also starts producing bile during this period. These two features indicate the fetus’s preparation for life inside and outside the womb. During this time, the fetus’s spleen may begin producing red blood cells. The thyroid glands mature enough to produce hormones, and the fetal intestine starts producing its first meconium. As the fetus’s muscles and bones continue to develop, it gradually straightens out from its curled position.

Complete Guide to Pregnancy Week 14
Complete Guide to Pregnancy Week 14

Physical changes and symptoms of Week 14 of pregnancy

During the 14th week, the uterus of the pregnant mother begins to rise towards the upper part of the pelvis, so it’s around this time that the pregnant belly might start to show some growth. However, it’s important to remember that every woman’s body is different, so if there’s no noticeable change in the size of the belly, there’s no reason to worry. The shape of the belly depends on several factors, such as hormone levels before pregnancy, the stage of pregnancy, and the type of abdominal muscles a woman has.

During this time, morning sickness or feelings of nausea and vomiting typically decrease for many women. Usually, most women start to feel more energetic during this period. That’s why the second trimester is often referred to as the most comfortable and somewhat relaxing time during pregnancy.

It’s important to remember that some of these issues can still persist for some women. Research has shown that morning sickness and fatigue problems can last until the fourth or fifth month for some mothers. Conversely, for a very few women, these issues may persist throughout the entire pregnancy. If a mother starts gaining weight from the fourth week of pregnancy, there’s nothing to be surprised about.

According to doctors, if a woman’s BMI is normal before pregnancy, then it’s normal to gain about 1 pound per week during the subsequent weeks. However, if the BMI is either too low or too high before pregnancy, or if the mother’s weight decreases significantly in the first trimester, then weight gain is advised according to her condition.

In pregnancy, experiencing mild hair loss is nothing to worry about. It’s very common, affecting nearly 20% of pregnant women. During this time, hair loss around the abdomen and breasts can be more prevalent because the skin in these areas stretches. Dry skin can also contribute to hair loss during this time due to hormonal changes.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, as the uterus expands, it creates pressure on the abdominal wall, leading to a feeling of tightness or tension in the mother’s belly. However, with time, this sensation becomes quite normal. The feeling of tightness in the belly during pregnancy can vary depending on the type of body the mother has. Pregnant women with a more petite build may experience belly tightness earlier in pregnancy, while larger women may feel it more in the third trimester.

Varicose veins occur when veins become abnormally swollen and visible under the skin, usually appearing as twisted, bluish or purplish cords on the legs. However, during pregnancy, varicose veins can also be seen on the buttocks or vaginal area. Varicose veins may cause itching or discomfort, but they are usually not a significant risk. If medical treatment is needed, it can often be postponed until after childbirth.

However, in some cases, varicose veins can lead to the formation of blood clots in the veins near the surface of the skin, a condition known as superficial venous thrombosis. When this happens, the vein becomes firm and feels like a cord, and the surrounding area may become red and warm. Pain may also be felt. If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to seek prompt medical advice from a specialist.

During pregnancy, bleeding from the gums is a very noticeable symptom. This happens because hormonal changes occur in the mother’s body, making the gums more sensitive. At this time, even minor irritation or brushing can cause bleeding from the gums. Therefore, pregnant women need to take regular care of their oral hygiene.

Your pregnancy baby is like an external object for your body’s defense mechanism or immune system. Normally, when any external object enters the body, it is rejected. But the body does not reject the pregnancy baby as an external object, which weakens the body’s natural defense mechanism against it. As a result, pregnant women become more susceptible to infections by bacteria and viruses. Therefore, during this time, be cautious if you feel cold or feverish, as the tendency for colds or fevers may increase.

This was the complete details about pregnancy week 14. If you have any questions in your mind, feel free to comment.

Read Also: pregnancy week 13.