Do you want to know details about Baby Development, mother Physical Changes, and Symptoms during pregnancy week 15? We provide complete details in this article.
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Today, let’s delve into the details of pregnancy week 15. In the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus is very small. But its physical development occurs very quickly in this week, which is the second trimester of pregnancy and the fourth month of pregnancy. By now, the fetus’s hands have proportionally grown to nearly the same size as its body.

Baby’s Development at Pregnancy Week 15
However, although its feet have been relatively smaller compared to the body, from this week onwards, they rapidly increase in comparison to the fetus’s hands. The size of the fetus at this stage can be compared to that of an apple. At this time, the height of the fetus is approximately 3.98 inches or 10.1 centimeters and the weight is estimated to be about 2.47 ounces or 70 grams. Since mothers can know the baby’s weight and height through ultrasound after this time, our advice will be not to compare it with others’ reports.
In the early stages of pregnancy, although all fetuses grow at almost the same rate, from that time onward, each fetus continues to grow at its own pace. Some grow quickly while others a bit slower, but all fetuses follow a certain pattern of growth and gain necessary weight and height towards the end of pregnancy.
Around week 15, significant changes occur in the normal development of the organs of the fetus. During this time, taste buds develop in the fetus and these buds can connect with the brain through nerves. Through this connection with the brain, the fetus will begin to perceive different tastes after a few days. The taste of the food and drinks consumed by the mother enters the amniotic fluid through her bloodstream, and when the fetus consumes this fluid, it begins to experience tastes for the first time, similar to the mother’s.
The external structure of the fetus’s ears is now quite developed, and the tiny bones in the auditory system begin to form, leading to the start of hearing faint sounds from this time onwards. After a few days, it will be able to hear the mother’s voice, heartbeat, and various sounds of the digestive system. Although the eyelids of the fetus remain closed, its eyes will become sensitive to light. If light is shone on the mother’s abdomen according to the fetus’s position, it will actively move away from the source of light.
Until this time, the fetus’s bones were formed with soft cartilage. Cartilage is a soft type of bone that forms our ears and nose. From week 15 of pregnancy, these cartilages start to transform into strong bones. If it were possible to perform an X-ray on the fetus at this time, its skeleton would be visible. The fetus can now move its arms, legs, and all the joints in its body. And a few weeks later, the mother may start to feel the fetus’s movements.
During this time, the fetus begins to clench its fists. Its skin is still very thin, through which its blood vessels and internal organs are clearly visible. Even earlier, the fetus starts to grow fine, downy hair all over its body, called lanugo. Lanugo primarily protects the fetus from the amniotic fluid and keeps it warm. In the following weeks of pregnancy, when fat starts to accumulate in the fetus’s body, the lanugo starts to shed. This is because at that time, the fetus starts to produce fat to keep itself warm. However, many babies are born with lanugo, which sheds within a few days after birth, although it can shed during the first few days after birth.

Physical changes and symptoms of Week 15 of pregnancy
During the 15th week, the uterus of the pregnant mother begins to rise above the pelvic region and towards the upper abdomen. And it’s around this time that the pregnant mother’s belly may start to increase in size a bit. However, it’s important to remember that if there are no noticeable changes in the size of the belly for any mother, there’s no cause for concern.
From the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus’s weight increases rapidly. So, it’s normal for the mother to gain weight during this time. According to doctors, if a mother’s body mass index (BMI) is normal before pregnancy, then gaining around 1 pound per week during the subsequent weeks of pregnancy is considered normal. However, if the BMI is either low or high before pregnancy, or if the mother’s weight decreases significantly or increases too much during the first trimester, then guidance will be provided based on that for managing weight gain or loss.
During pregnancy, the level of estrogen hormone increases, leading to increased blood flow around the vagina. This discharge protects the vaginal opening and the cervix from various infections and maintains the balance of different bacteria in the genital area. However, if you notice foul-smelling yellowish or brownish discharge, inform your gynecologist promptly.
When we have a blocked nose due to cold, this issue is somewhat similar. However, such a situation occurs during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Approximately 30% of women face the problem of a blocked nose. Although this problem starts from the second month of pregnancy, it usually intensifies later. This problem tends to alleviate somewhat after childbirth, and usually resolves completely within two weeks after childbirth.
During pregnancy, there’s an increase in blood flow in the body. At this time, the blood vessels inside the nose dilate, and the increased blood flow exerts extra pressure on the sensitive blood vessels inside the nose, which can easily rupture. This is why many pregnant women may suffer from the problem of nosebleeds.
Additionally, light hair fall and morning sickness issues may occur during pregnancy week 15.
Read Also: Pregnancy Week 14.