Are you interested in learning about Pregnancy Week 11? We cover everything you need to know about Baby’s Development, Mom’s Routine, and Symptoms in this article.

In the Pregnancy Week 11, alongside rapid growth of the fetus, other developments also continue at a brisk pace. During this time, the fetus starts moving like a small robot. It may sometimes stretch the mother’s uterus, causing discomfort, or kick and twist inside her. Week 11 marks the completion of three months of pregnancy, or more precisely, two months and one week have passed. And within three weeks, the second trimester of pregnancy is about to begin.

Fetal Development Week by Week During Pregnancy
Fetal Development Week by Week During Pregnancy

Baby Development in Pregnancy Week 11

During the 11th week of pregnancy, the fetus is no longer called an embryo. From week 11, the fetal period begins, and it’s now referred to as a fetus. All the vital organs of the fetus start to take their correct positions during this time. Many organs even begin to function somewhat.

It’s during this period of rapid fetal development that most structures become more organized. With the onset of the fetal period, the complete development of the formed organs continues alongside the physical growth of the fetus. At this time, the fetus takes on a small lemon-like shape. By the end of this week, the fetus measures approximately 4.1 centimeters or about 1.6 inches long and weighs around 0.25 ounces or 7 grams. Although somewhat astonishing, at this time, the head and the rest of the body are almost equal in size. However, in the coming weeks, the lower part of the body will start to grow more.

As we move into the Pregnancy Week 11, significant changes occur in the natural development of the fetus. During this time, the formation of hair follicles or lanugo around the baby’s head and entire body may begin. These hair follicles resemble the buds of a plant within the skin. Additionally, the breast buds become visible on the fetus’s chest. Furthermore, the diaphragm of the fetus starts to form. The diaphragm is a partition-like structure that separates the human chest from the abdomen.

The shape of the fetus’s ears becomes fully formed at this time. That means, by the 11th week, the fetus’s ears take their proper position on either side of the head, aligning themselves with the correct position of the head. At this time, the features of the fetus’s nose fully develop, and the tongue becomes visible. The formation process of the 20 teeth beneath the two rows of ridges in the mouth cavity continues. Although teeth typically don’t become visible until seven to eight months before birth.

a pregnant woman in her Pregnancy Week 11
a pregnant woman in her Pregnancy Week 11

In the 11th week of pregnancy, the fingers and toes of the fetus, previously webbed, start to separate, and the fetus’s hands and feet turn forward. Nail development progresses, and the bones of the skeleton become stronger. Towards the end of the 11th week, external genitalia of the fetus may be fully formed, and you may find out through an ultrasound in the next few weeks. If the fetus is a girl, her ovaries may start to form.

Additionally, at this time, the fetal scalp and veins under the thin skin will become visible. The fetus begins to breathe through its lungs, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, which aids in the development of its lungs. Although the fetus’s eyes remain closed, it is not completely asleep. At this time, the fetus’s nerves and muscles start working together. As a result, the fetus may make jerky movements, as if twitching. Although these movements may not be noticeable to mothers yet.

Most pregnant women won’t feel fetal movements until between 18 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. Additionally, if it’s the first child, it may take longer for mothers to recognize fetal movements. Many crucial formations of the fetus will conclude within the next few weeks. After that, what remains is gradual growth. That is, as the fetus grows bigger, its brain and overall development will gradually increase.

Unveiling Week 11 of Pregnancy: Common Physical Changes

This week, mom’s waist starts to get a little heavier, but the belly size may not change much. There’s nothing to worry about, but if you’ve had one or more pregnancies, your belly may begin to grow earlier in your next pregnancy. This is because in this case, the mother’s uterus and abdominal muscles are slightly stretched due to the previous pregnancy.

Due to the increase in the size of the belly, the mother’s body is more and the ligaments are stretched. It can lead to round ligament pain, which is a type of sharp pain that usually lasts for a short time and can feel like a muscle spasm. The pain can be bilateral, but it is more common on the right side, which may extend up to the thigh. However, if the pain is very severe, then a doctor should be consulted immediately.

By this week, fatigue and weakness may persist, along with an increase in progesterone hormone levels, occasional loss of consciousness, increased blood volume and weight gain, constipation, and a rise in body temperature. During pregnancy, the expanding uterus and added weight exert additional pressure on the blood vessels in the legs, causing them to constrict and impede blood flow returning to the heart, which can result in leg cramps or edema, a condition characterized by swollen or watery legs.

Additionally, due to the effects of progesterone hormone, the muscles of the digestive system relax, slowing down digestion and leading to increased gas in the stomach. Most notably, the relaxation of these muscles can make it difficult to control exhalation. Expectant mothers may also notice an increase in breast size, so wearing comfortable underwear is advisable. While many mothers experience reduced morning sickness during this period, for some, it may persist or even worsen.

Dos and Don’ts During Pregnancy 11 Week

The end of this pregnancy week 11, you should no longer need additional folic acid supplements as your baby’s neural tube formation is already complete. However, in the days ahead, it’s essential to focus on eating a balanced diet. Ensure you drink plenty of water to prevent constipation, aiming for at least 7-8 glasses a day. Include foods such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, grains, and pulses in your diet.

Read Also: Complete Guide of Pregnancy Week 10.